Early afternoon yesterday, I was in the kitchen baking cookies for a bbq at friends later that night. Sir came in and stole a piece of dough I had already rolled into a ball. My OCD kicked in that now my pan would not be even. I yelled at Him but continued transferring baked cookies to the wire rack with my spatula. He, in no way being nice, offered to even them up and took another ball of dough!! I started trying to smack his hand away with the spatula... DAMNIT. It gave Him idea's... He easily took the spatula from me and landed a hard smack on my ass. Which He decided He liked. Annnd made Him look for other good "implements" in the kitchen and around the house. He discovered a wooden spoon, a strainer spoon, the other kind of spatulas, a belt, the stem of a silk flower, & paint stirrers (plural, one at a time was not enough, He liked 3 stacked together...)
That night he set up a little Lab Day for us. Told me to pick 3 of the items from the kitchen. That was a little hard to do... There was only 4 items. As the sturdiest was the strainer spoon, I left that one out. Blindfolded, arms tied to the wall, bare ass out, He tried each one out. Tested their accuracy, the mark they left, and my reaction. He also used the flower once, and the strainer spoon once, and the paint stirrers once. My chosen 3, the flogger and His hand, all got plenty of use.
- The Flogger: Ehhh. It is an enjoyable foreplay. Every now and then, with the right flick of the wrist, in choice locations (nipples) it might sting a little. But mostly It's barely more then a tickle.
- The Spatula - A (or turner, the kind you flip pancakes with): Just the right amount of good pain, still fun, or funishment actually. Yet still leaves a sting that sticks around.
- The Spatula - B (The kind you scrape a bowl with): Mostly funishment, kinda a dull thunk, but I am not sure which side he used??
- The Wooden Spoon: Very nice slapping sound, but it is apparently hard to control accuracy. It is too thin handled and spins mid swing. It's painful though. Punishment.
- The Strainer Spoon: OUCH!!! Like I said, it's sturdy and has a good amount of oomf behind it. I got one clothed, that was enough to tell me it was punishment, but I got 3 bare assed later, probably because I didn't pick it, but He wanted to try it. Yeah, it's punishment.
- The Silk Flower (Stem of): I imagine this is close to a switch. Very quiet, but some what painful. I only got one, and it was enough to know this is a punishment implement.
- The Paint Stirrers: He was right, one does nothing, good or bad, three put together give them a more satisfying thwack and a little sting to my bottom. I'd rate it as funishment though, even with 3.
- Bare Hand: This is my favorite. I honestly CRAVE it. I love being turned over his knee and spanked HARD. OTK or not, it relaxes me. I can't explain it better, but I feel so good after being spanked bare handed. And I love the reminder of it the next day ;) This is probably always going to be funishment, no matter how hard he hits. I, to be honest, am already addicted to it like a drug. I am still a little high off the very good OTK (chest more accurately) spanking we ended with last night. ;)
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