Friday, April 19, 2013

I lied, so spank me...

I know I said my next post would be about what we do now and what we don't do yet... Buuuttt things are already about to change. Sir came home from a business trip today. While en route home, I sent a fairly descriptive email, explaining my ideas, things I have read, things I wanted to try etc. At the end was a very detailed fantasy and some more ideas. He came home ready to fuck, and not too happy that we couldn't do anything for awhile. I am not sure why, but while I was cooking dinner he picked up my phone and began reading things off my acct. I had not sent him the blog link yet, but I have copied this blog into a journal on that site, and he read it all.
I am very excited to report, he is happy about what he has read. He said he also wanted to do wax play, and ropes. He also said he was happy about this cause he has always wanted into this lifestyle as well. Not sure why he never said so either...
Anyway, we went and bought more rope, some rope bracelets that will work much better as cuffs then our cheap ones, and some hooks for our ceiling. He attached rope & cuffs to each corner of our bed and is now installing the hooks. He said he did some research lately and wanted to try some things :) I am so wet wondering what his plans are! I do want to discuss rules before we play, but I may not get that chance ;)
Update in the morning, but this is a turn for the better for sure!


1 comment:

  1. Oh my!! What a great change of events for you. Can't wait to hear more:)
